Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Thread Tufted Cushion

After completing my daughter’s book storage bench, I brainstormed about making a cushion for the bench using things we already had at home. I spotted my husband’s 100 lb. punching bag, one we purchased 6 years ago, whose stuffing had condensed at the bottom and was less useful to us. This was a pricey punching bag, so I expected it was filled with quality stuffing we could reuse.

I shared how wrong I was on Facebook, apparently the place I like to occasionally share behind the scenes photos. Needless to say, I washed the stuffing three times and dried it in the baking Hawai’i sun until it was fit enough to sit on. Worst DIY idea I’ve had!

Build a scrap plywood and 2x2 reading bench

The following tutorial is not the proper way to make a cushion, although it is an extremely easy way that worked for me without the use of special tools or skills.

Using canvas drop cloth leftover from my yet-deferred sofa slipcover project, sewing thread, and repurposed stuffing, it cost me $0 in new purchases to make this cushion for my daughter’s bench.
Wood materials icon
  • Canvas drop cloth - 2 cut panels @ 13” x 38” (already owned)
  • Stuffing (new or repurposed) (already owned)
Saw icon
  • Sewing needle and thread (already owned)
  • Sewing machine(already owned)

Numbered Process

1 – Determine fabric size

3 thread tufts on the bench cushion against the wall
I made three tufts, without measuring or marking. They are not perfectly aligned or spaced, but I achieved the look I wanted: simple, handmade, loosely tufted. :) I played with the cushion as a back support and as a seat cushion, with "bare" as my tester. =D

3 thread tufts on the bench cushion seat
It didn't turn out too bad for a quick 10 minute project and it was pretty easy to do, too!


  1. Nice work! Love that fabric and super low cost!

    1. Thank you, John. We're living on less than 1/2 of what we used to make last year (per month), so free projects are priceless for us! :)

  2. Oh my goodness, this is so cute!! The number of tufts you added is just perfect for the look. What a great use of materials, and the bear caption is adorable! Awesome job! :)

    1. Joanne, thank you for checking up on every post and being so supportive. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! Your knits are great; love them! :)


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